It is very important to take the time to get massages, as they provide great health benefits.
Massages reduce stress and increase relaxation. Reduction of pain and inflammation and tension of the muscles. Improved circulation, energy and alertness.
Massage Workshop
We carry out an introductory workshop to energetic reflexology massage. Where we work tools and techniques of Thai reflexology. Our feet are connected to all areas and organs of our body through more than 7,200 nerve endings.
Reflexology is based on the fact that the entire body is schematically represented in the foot.
In each massage we have the opportunity to be at the service and need of the other. Connecting with our inner silence is the key to healing each other through relaxation.
Reflexology is relaxing, relieves stress and activates and improves blood circulation. It is used to treat and prevent disorders, diseases and situations caused by stress and daily tension.
The objective of the workshop is to experience deep relaxation and absorb practical knowledge to apply as a family.
Duration: 2 hours
Modality: face-to-face and online
Our Testimonials
In what language are the workshops?- Spanish - French - English